"This very important and timely volume should be of interest to any readers interested in human variation and how developments in biomedical sciences—especially the mapping of the human genome—impact the long-standing debate surrounding the concept of race. The book's multidisciplinary nature makes it unique and particularly thought-provoking. Highly recommended."
"There are vigorous proponents for the continued use of race as a proxy for ancestry, some represented in this collection. Yet the full value of Revisiting Race in a Genomic Age—and the editors' trenchant analytic summaries—is that the volume substantially raises the level and the terms of the debate. That deserves applause from all sides."
~Troy Duster, Science
"The interdisciplinary discussion on genetics and race presented in Revisiting Race in the Genomic Age brings us closer to an understanding of genetics and racism."
~Journal of American Ethnic History
"In this complex context, there is a clear need for interdisciplinary studies that
could enlighten us regarding human genetic variation, bringing together experts in
the biological sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. Scientists working
in human genetics today need a solid cultural background in science, history, and
the philosophy of science. The volume represents a first and useful answer to these
~Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
"Developments in molecular biology have fundamentally changed our understanding of the human genome and the role of genes in human health and behavior. This important, timely, and richly informative volume examines the diverse implications of modern human genetics for one of the most challenging and vexing constructs ever devised for describing humans: 'race'."
~William W. Dressler, University of Alabama