"The dozens of columns in this essential collection illustrate the myriad ways Saffron's inability to accept business as usual have shaped her criticism and, ultimately, 21st century Philadelphia. From eviscerating mega-developments to decrying parking lots, Saffron makes clear that her first loyalty is to the people of Philadelphia and not the out-of-towers that successive mayors believed were more crucial to the city's success."
~Alexandra Lange, architecture and design critic
"With penetrating insight and biting wit, Inga Saffron’s critiques leap off the page. In this collection, they take on even greater force, illuminating the revival of a historic American city and offering lessons about the use—and misuse—of power and planning that apply to all cities."
~Blair Kamin, architecture critic, Chicago Tribune
"Architecture critic, investigative journalist, historian, urbanist, humanist, public citizen, Saffron wears all of these hats, she wears them comfortably, and her highly detailed and opinionated columns are fascinating and satisfying to read."
"If you, like me, are not intimately familiar with Philadelphia, you might wonder how engaged you can become in a discussion of urbanism rooted in a single city. Very engaged, it turns out. Jane Jacobs used her neighborhood in lower Manhattan as the starting point for The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Similarly, Saffron has constructed a Philadelphia story that reverberates far beyond the city limits."
~Rein Reports
"Philly has become a thriving town because it built on old foundations, valuing history and investing in downtown. It cherishes the little niceties that bring people here. And a series of smart policy decisions has now helped burnish this town’s rep. That’s the tale Inga Saffron tells us in Becoming Philadelphia. More than an appraiser of buildings, she is a chronicler of the ill-advised, idiotic, humane, and beautiful.
~Philadelphia Inquirer
"I was impressed, and moved, by the heart in these articles, and I look forward to reading more columns in this humanistic vein as we reimagine what kind of city Philadelphia should become in the future."
~Hidden City Philadelphia