"Masterful selection of clearly written pieces help to guide readers through an engaging and informative collection. Fascinating for researchers and practitioners examining issues of gender equality, choice, and public health, it is also educational for those seeking to learn more about the social, economic, and political aspects of this controversial topic."
~World Medical and Health Policy
"This well-written and accessible book is free of jargon, and covers a sweeping variety of topics. The case studies are interesting and often moving; this book is a desperately needed and important step toward reconciling feminist views on breastfeeding."
~Professor Karen Kedrowski, coauthor of Breastfeeding Rights in the United States
"Beyond Health, Beyond Choice is a collection of 23 well-written and thoughtprovoking articles exploring a wide range of mother-related topics including race, class and culture, medicalization of breastfeeding support, marketing milk, guilt, media, and sexuality."
~International Lactation Consultant Association
"Recommended. All levels of students, researchers/faculty, and professionals/practitioners."