Maggie Glynn interview for Envisioning New Jersey

MAXINE LURIE AND RICHARD VEIT INTERVIEWED ON MAGIC 98.3: Maggie Glynn talks with both authors about the challenges and rewards of compiling their illustrated history of New Jersey

Envisioning New Jersey cover image Magic 98.3Maggie Glynn, host of @Central Jersey on Magic 98.3, sat down with Maxine Lurie and Rich Veit to discuss the extensive work that went into compiling the images for Envisioning New Jersey: An Illustrated History of the Garden State and its connection to their previous book, New Jersey: A History of the Garden State.

Envisioning New Jersey brings together over 650 spectacular images that illuminate the course of New Jersey history, from prehistoric times to the present. Maxine N. Lurie and Richard F. Veit, two leading authorities on New Jersey history, present here a smorgasbord of informative pictures that capture the amazing transformation of New Jersey over time.

Listen to the interview in full here.