1 Introduction
2 A World Where Other Worlds Can Be at Home
3 Ontology and Resistance
4 Folk-Biological Knowledge, Education, and
Framework Theories
5 Study Design and Methods
6 Complexity, Niche Theory, and Cultural Models
7 From Subsistence to Extraction: Globalization, Change,
and Spatial Organization in Chenalhó
8 Knowledge Sources and Learning Biases: Experience,
Values, and Ontologies
9 Growing Up in Chenalhó: Knowledge Sources and the
Spatial Distribution of Change and Modernity
10 What Is It Called? Plant Knowledge in Chenalhó
11 Concepts of “Alive and “Living Kinds”: Experience,
Culture, and Ontology
12 How Alive Is It? Revisiting the Concept of “Alive”
13 Being in Space
14 One of Many: The Making of a Diversity of Worlds