"If you live on the fringe of society and challenge its most predominant norm, the majority isn't going to tell your story, or frankly, even know you exist. It's up to us to tell our own stories and Roger's brilliant book does just that. They share their story as well as the unique experience of Southeastern drag kings. They're taking up space, showcasing a specific demographic, and leading the way for others. The Kings have come."
~Murray Hill, New York City drag king and comedian
"King of Hearts is a readable and accessible adventure in the world of drag kinging, gender bending, and transmasculine life in the South. The author locates the spectacular performances of these drag kings within the place where they live and the rich history of drag kinging in the American South. If you are interested in being a drag king, understanding shows, or expanding your ideas about gender and sexuality, this is the book for you."
~Amy L. Stone, author of Cornyation: San Antonio's Outrageous Fiesta Tradition