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Showing results 261-270 of 279

Academic Conferences

Rutgers University Press attends the following academic conferences: Modern Language Association Society for Cinema and Media Studies Association for Asian American Studies American Educational Research Association American Association for the… READ MORE

Media Review Copies

Media Contact:  Jeremy Grainger, (848) 445-7781 Rutgers University Press is pleased to provide review copies of our titles to newspapers, magazines, journals, and other media outlets who intend to review… READ MORE

Author Discount

Bucknell University Press authors, volume editors, and contributors receive complimentary copies of their books upon publication and may also make use of an author discount to purchase additional copies of… READ MORE

Author’s Toolkit

PROPOSALS Prospective authors or editors of essay collections should submit a proposal to the editor of the series most appropriate for their work. If there is no series or if… READ MORE

Manuscript Submissions

PROPOSALS   Prospective authors or editors of essay collections should submit a proposal to the editor of the series most appropriate for their work. If there is no series or… READ MORE

Customer Service

ORDERS #IndiesFIRST Rutgers University Press encourages you to support your local bookseller. To locate an independent bookstore in the U.S. visit: Orders from individuals may be also placed directly… READ MORE

Sales Representation

SALES & MARKETING DIRECTOR National accounts, bulk purchases, custom editions, special markets, premium sales, etc. Jeremy Grainger Rutgers University Press UNITED STATES New York / New Jersey / Mid-Atlantic… READ MORE

Privacy Policy

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION All rights reserved. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law. You may not alter or remove any trademark, service mark, copyright or… READ MORE