Foreword by Susan Lawrence
Note on Text
Introduction by Jenevieve DeLosSantos
Part I: Reflections on the Poetries – Politics project
Chapter 1: Why Poetries – Politics? by Mary Shaw
Chapter 2: Languages in the Magic Lantern by François Cornilliat
Chapter 3: Poetries, Politics and Practicum by Atif Atkin
Chapter 4: The Intricacy of Translating Poetries – Politics into Visual Art by Ouafaa Deleger
Chapter 5: Hope and Despair: Political Poets in Revolutionary Societies by Ian Lovoulos
Chapter 6: Poetries – Politics from the Perspective of One Design Student by Devon Monaghan
Chapter 7: The Pedagogy of Poetries – Politics: How to Craft Your Own Project-Based Learning Course by Jenevieve DeLosSantos
Part II: Catalogue of Posters
About the Contributors