Dynamic Coastal Systems: Illustrations from New Jersey
New Jersey's Shoreline: Coastal Features and Geomorphological History
Development of Information
Beaches and Coasts
New Jersey's Coastal Characteristics and Delineation
Geomorphological Regions
The Reach Concept in Management
Shoreline Change: Historical Displacement
Sediment Supply
Sea-Level Rise
Changes in Shoreline Position
New Erosion Data: New Jersey Beach Profile Network
Identification of High-Hazard Zones
Application to Management
Coastal Storms: Their Importance to Coastal Systems and Management
Post-1980 Stormy Weather
Identification of Northeasters and Hurricanes
Significant Coastal Storms
Measures of Storm Severity and Intervals of Recurrence
Sea-Level Rise: Its Dimensions and Implications
Pertinent Studies on Sea-Level Rise
Rate Changes in Sea-Level Rise in New Jersey
Future Storm Levels
General Options for Management
The Atlantic City Tide Gauge Revisited: Reason to Pause
Challenges for New Jersey
Hard and Soft Approaches to Coastal Stabilization
Application to New Jersey
Structural ``Hard'' Approaches
Nonstructural ``Soft'' Approaches
An Overview of Beach Nourishment in New Jersey
Coastal Dunes: A Natural Buffer
Characteristics of Coastal Dunes
Interest in Dunes and Dune Management
Dune Management Objectives
Placement and Dimensions of a Dune
Building and Enhancing Coastal Dunes
Coastal Dune Restoration and Maintenance
Developing a Dune Protection and Maintenance Ordinance
Coastal Economics: Application to Coastal Management, Shoreline Stabiliation, and Tourism
Economic Principles of Shoreline-Stabilization Management: An Introduction
Economic Measures
Economic Methods
Economic Aspects of Beach Use, Shoreline Management, and Coastal Tourism Summary: Beach Use and Stabilization
Policy Overview
Hazard Management as a Component of Coastal Management
Hazard Management Applied to Coastal Policy
New Directions and Objectives
Mitigation in New Jersey
Consistency of State and Federal Efforts
Formulating the State Plan in Terms of the National Mitigation Strategy
Future of Hazard Management in Shoreline
The Reassessment of Coastal Management in New Jersey
Background: The New Jersey Shore
Protection Master Plan
The Process of the Reassessment
Education, Outreach, and Interpretive
Programs for the Precollege Community
Library Information Systems and Internet
Home Page
Results of Public Interactions
Coastal and Hazard Management: Trends, Options, and Future Directions
Public Policy, the Insurance Industry, and Natural Catastrophes: Recent Trends Insights from Recent Hazard Mitigation Efforts
Policy Outlook
Options Addressing Hazards in the United States
Options and Future Directions
The State of New Jersey's Policy and Management Approach
Appendix A Model Municipal Dune Protection Ordinance
Appendix B Estimated Expenditures on Travel and Tourism in New Jersey, 1987--1994