Swingle is a seasoned biofeedback practitioner. His work will appeal to both professionals and the concerned public.
~Siegfried Othmer, chief scientist, The EEG Institute
Dr. Swingle's book is the first (and the best) to give the rationale for neurotherapy in a panoply of neurological and psychological disorders. He has a practical, yet sophisticated approach to neurofeedback and to adjunctive techniques which make it work faster and better. It is an outstanding guide to neurofeedback for the beginner and the experienced clinician.
~Jonathan E. Walker, M.D., Board Certified Neurologist, Medical Director, Neurotherapy Center of Dallas
This book is a readable primer or introduction, written to help readers decide whether neurotherapy might be of benefit to you or someone close to you. The book achieves that objective with clear examples and sidebars that highlight questions readers may have. [Swingle's] book provides guidance for those seeking a neurotherapy practitioner. Recommended.
A wonderful primer for the would-be practitioner. . . . Swingle writes nicely, very readably, and is a good teacher, and surely, a good healer.
~Roy Sugarman, Metapsychology
The growing demand for information on cognitive neurotherapy is met by Paul Swingle, whose book deserves to be widely read.
~Lynda T. Thompson, co-author, The A.D.D. Book and The Neurotherapy Book