Opening Messages
David Gill: Consul General, Federal Republic of Germany
Shawn M. LaTourette: Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Wolfram Hoefer, Frank Gallagher, Arianna Lindberg, Angela Oberg, Sebastian Schlecht
Section 1: Tools and Process
Wolfram Hoefer
1 Impacts of Human-Induced Climate Change
Anthony Broccoli
2 Pursuing a coherent vision in a fragmented policy context
Clint Andrews
3 Climate Change Adaptation in German Environmental and Spatial Planning
Stefan Heiland
4 New Jersey State Planning Commission
Donna Rendeiro and Matthew Blake
5 Shaping the future through strategic leadership
Wolfram Hoefer and Jon Carnegie
6 The Regulatory Paradox of Climate Change
Frank Gallagher
Section 2: Uncertainty and Space
Sebastian Schlecht, Frank Gallagher
1 #thinklandscape - Imagine a metropolitan region as a landscape
Sebastian Schlecht
2 Coordinating the Ecological Transition in a Polycentric Region: Insides from the Emscher Region
Uli Paetzel, Anja Kroos
3 Distributed Water Infrastructure & Water Reuse
Zach F. Gallagher, Edward Clerico
4 Framing Resilient Design
Pippa Brashear
5 Let's stay cool!
Johannes Böttger
6 ACT NOW. How to Handle Uncertainty in Open Space
Rupert Halbertschlager
7 Teaming Up: Partnerships for Resilient Design
Jim Welsh
Section 3: Place and Conectedness
Angela Oberg, Arianna Lindberg
1 Place and Climate Change
Richard Alomar
2 Tomorrow's Climate Will Not Meet Today's Population - Interactions between Climate Change and Demographic Change in Cities
Thorsten Wiechmann
3 People, Health and Place – The Urban Public Health Perspective and a State of Affairs in Germany’s Ruhr region
Susanne Moebus
4 The Myopia of Infrastructure and Failure to Deliver Services
Angela Oberg
5 The Aesthetics and Politics of Tree Care
Sonja Dümpelmann
6 Trees in Cities
Pam Zipse
7 Gardening with Community
Arianna Lindberg
8 Sea Level Rise, Stakeholder Challenges, and Lessons Outside the Coast
Marjorie Kaplan
Lisa Auermuller
Fawn McGee
Barbara Woolley-Dillon
Section 4: Conclusion
Wolfram Hoefer, Frank Gallagher, Arianna Lindberg, Angie Oberg, and Sebastian Schlecht
Notes on Contributors