Introduction: Race in the College Classroom
Part 1 Authority and (Il)Legitimacy
1. Two Voices From the Front Lines: A Conversation About Race in the Classroom
2. Teaching In Florida: the End of Affirmative Action and the Politics of Race
3. A Ghost in the Collaborative Machine: the White Male Teacher in the Multicultural Classroom
4. Decentering Whiteness: Resisting Racism in the Women's Studies Classroom
5. Smashing the Rules of Racial Standing
When the Political Is Personal: Life on the Multiethnic Margins
6. The Entanglements of Teaching Nappy Hair
7. Beyond Bull Conner: Teaching Slavery in Alabama
8. Fear and the Professorial Center
Part 2 Rewards and Punishments
9. Out on a Limb: Race and the Evaluation of Frontline Teaching
10. Whiteness on a White Canvas: Teaching Race in a Predominantly White University
11. Gift Wrapped or Paper Bagged?: Packaging Race for the Classroom
12. The Question of Comfort: The Impact of Race on/in the College Classroom
13. Far More Than Frybread: The Tender Issue of Race in Teaching Literature
14. Menaced by Resistance: the Blackteacher in the Mainly White School/Classroom
15. Strategies for Surviving Race in the Classroom
16. Traps, Pitfalls, and Obstacles: Challenges to Confronting Racism in Academia
Part 3 Transformative Practices
17. Confronting the "Screaming Baboon": Notes on Race. Literature, and Pedagogy
18. Centering the Margins: A Chicana in the English Classroom
19. Race, Discomfort and Love in a University Classroom
20. Moonwalking Technoshamans and the Shifting Margin: Decentering the Colonial Classroom
21. The Colorblind Cyberclass: Myth and Fact
22. Skinwalking and Color Linecrossing: Teaching Writing Against Racism
23. Racing Into the Academy: Pedagogy and Black Faculty
24. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Teaching the Biology of Human Variation and the Social Construction of Race
Conclusion: Teaching to Make a Difference
Selected References