Part One. The Politics of Witnessing in War and Pain
1. Excavations of the Heart: Reflections on Truth, Memory, and Structures of Understanding
2. Scholarship, Advocacy, and the Politics of Engagement in Burma (Myanmar)
3. War and the Nature of Ultimate Things: An Essay on the Study of Postwar Cultures
4. Expert Witness: Notes toward Revisiting the Politics of Listening
Part Two. Lessons from Agents of Change
5. Moral Chronologies: Generation and Popular Memory in a Palestinian Refugee Camp
6. "In Our Beds and Our Graves": Revealing the Politics of Pleasure and Pain in the Time of AIDS
7. Portrait of a Paramilitary: Putting a Human Face on the Colombian Conflict
Part Three. Trauma, Violence, and Women's Resistance in Everyday Life
8. Fratricidal War or Ethnocidal Strategy? Women's Experience with Political Violence in Chiapas
9. Indigenous Women and Gendered Resistance in the Wake of Acteal: A Feminist Activist Research Perspective
10. It's a Hard Place to be a Revolutionary Woman: Finding Peace and Justice in Postwar El Salvador
Part Four. The Engaged Observer, Inside and Outside the Academy
11. Perils and Promises of Engaged Anthropology: Historical Transitions and Ethnographic Dilemmas
12. Knowledge in the Service of a Vision: Politically Engaged Anthropology
Notes on Contributors