Preface / vii
Introduction / ix
Pranab Das Elon University, United States
1. The Puzzle of Consciousness and Experiential Primacy: Agency in Cognitive Sciences and Spiritual Experiences / 3
Sangeetha Menon National Institute of Advanced Studies, India
2. Religion, Science, and Lebenswelt: New Interdisciplinary Crossroads / 21
Ilya Kasavin Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
3. Science and Spirituality in Modern India / 39
Makarand Paranjape Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
4. Kokoro [Mind-Heart-Spirit]: Affirming Science and Religion in the Japanese Context / 55
Paul Swanson Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Japan
5. Daoism and the Uncertainty Principle / 69
Jiang Sheng Shandong University, China
6. Whitehead Reconsidered from a Buddhist Perspective / 93
Ryusei Takeda Ryukoku University, Japan
7. Sanctity of Life: A Reflection on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Debates from an East Asian Perspective / 107
Heup Young Kim Kangnam University, South Korea
8. Aut Moses, Aut Darwin? / 125
A. Markoš, F. Grygar, L. Hajnal, K. Kleisner, Z. Kratochvíl, and Z. Neubauer Charles University, Czech Republic
9. Human Origins: Continuous Evolution versus Punctual Creation / 143
Grzegorz Bugajak and Jacek Tomczyk Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Poland
10. Mathematics as a Formal Ontology: The Hermeneutical Dimensions of Natural Sciences and Eastern Patristics / 165
Alexei Chernyakov S t. Petersburg School of Religion and Philosophy, Russia
11. Is Mathematics Able to Open the Systems of the Human Intellect? / 179
Botond Gaál Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Hungary
12. On the Role of Transcendence in Science and in Religion / 191
Ladislav Kvasz Catholic University in Rozomberok, Slovakia
Contributors / 207
Index / 213