INTERNAL – Website Knowledge Base

FTP Uploads

Here are the login details to our FTP:
  • Server:
  • Port: 21
  • Username: rutgers-us
  • Password: [ask Supadü – on Confluence]

Book Covers

  • Each book cover needs to be uploaded to the /images folder
  • Each book cover needs to be named like this: 9780813579092.jpg
  • When book covers are processed each day, they are moved to the /images/archive folder
  • Covers that remain in the /images folder after processing are either not live books on the website or have incorrect filenames
  • Files in .TIF or .GIF format will not be processed – only .JPG

Data Files

The data import process runs each day at 10:20pm ET.

There are THREE different data files that are used to update the metadata on the site:

  • Physical books
    This file is uploaded by Firebrand to the top level of the FTP.
    The file is an incremental / delta ONIX file with the filename structure:
       Example: Rutgers_06252016_onix21.xml
    When the feed runs it looks for the file with the most recent date.
  • Ebooks
    This file is uploaded by Firebrand to the /data folder in the FTP.
    The file is an incremental / delta ONIX file with the filename structure:
       RutgersUniversityPress{yyyymmdd}_P{6-digit number}_eBooks_Supadu_onix21.xml
       Example: RutgersUniversityPress201606300110_P489359_eBooks_Supadu_onix21.xml
    When the feed runs it looks for the file with the most recent date.
  • Marketing Dump
    This file is uploaded by Rutgers (Brice) to the /data folder in the FTP.
    The file is a full data refresh CSV with the filename structure:
       Example: RUP_20160630_supplemental_marketing_dump.csv
    When the feed runs it looks for the file with the most recent date.


The Supafolio dashboard is where you can view the imported metadata and edit / create collections.

Login Details

Pass: [ask Supadü (MaHW) – on Google Docs INFO]

Add to Cart Link

Supadü manages the cart link that appears on product pages but the cart is provided by Elan.

The cart link contains a BookID that is unique for each product.

Example cart link:

The 8-digit book ID is derived from the ISBN-13 (as per Tom Franklin at UNC):

  • It’s the ISBN-13 with the first four digits removed and the final, checksum digit removed as well