Making a joyful noise: William Apess and the search for postcolonial method(ism) / Laura Donaldson
Seeing with Ezekeil's eyes: Indian "resurrection" in transatlantic colonial writings / Kristina Bross
Casualties of the rod: rebelling children, disciplining Indians, and the critique of colonial authority in Puritan New England / Anna Mae Duane
"If Indians can have treaties, why cannot we have one too?": the whiskey rebellion and the colonization of the West / Edward Watts
Colonial planter to American farmer: South, nation, and decolonization in Crèvecoeur / Jennifer Rae Greeson
Hawthorne's desert: "wakefield" and the imagination of colonial space / Geoffrey Sanborn
The periphery within: internal colonialism and the rhetoric of U.S. nation building / Michelle Burnham
Nation, missionary women, and the race of true womanhood / Malini Johar Schueller
Brigands and nuns: the vernacular sociology of collectivity after the Haitian revolution / Michael Drexler
Turning identity upside down: Benjamin Franklin's antipodean cosmopolitanism / Jim Egan
"The science of lying" / David S. Shields
Colonization, Black freemasonry, and the rehabilitation of Africa / Joanna Brooks