Amidst unprecedented levels of union organizing in higher education, Gary Rhoades combines the perspectives of a scholar and labor movement activist and leader to provide a comprehensive analysis of organizing campaigns and collective bargaining agreements for faculty (contingent and tenure-track), graduate students, and postdoc employees. Academic employees are organizing and negotiating for respect for workers, their work, and the public value of higher education. Rhoades analyzes how academic employees are shifting the imbalance of power between labor and management, reducing the internal professional stratification between segments of the academic workforce, and intersecting workplace issues with broader issues of equality, public value, and social justice, and in the process organizing and negotiating for a new, more progressive academy.
Chapter 1: Now is the Time
Chapter 2: A Critical Juncture and Distinctive Dynamism
Section 1: From the Margins to the Center: Contingent Academic Employees Organizing and Negotiating a New Academy
Chapter 3: Bread and Roses, and a Labor-Based Conception of Quality: A New Faculty Majority Organizing a New Academy
Chapter 4: Embedding Bread and Roses and Labor-Based Quality in Part-time Only Bargaining Units
Chapter 5: Graduate Student and Postdoc Employees: More Than Would-Be Apprentice Organizing and Negotiating New Contingency in an Old Academy
Section 2: Faculty Negotiating Retrenchment and Technology Amidst Management's Austerity Agenda
Chapter 6: Challenging Management’s Austerity Practices: Organizing Amidst and Negotiating Furloughs
Chapter 7: Negotiating Management’s Austerity Practices: Retrenchment for Financial Exigency and Other Reasons in the Contracts
Chapter 8: Protections and Possibilities in Negotiating a Progressive Academy Amidst New Circuits of Production
Chapter 9: Organizing and Negotiating for Respect and Public Purpose: Toward a New Progressive Normal
1 Now Is the Time 1
2 A Critical Juncture and a Distinctive Dynamism 12
Part I From the Margins to the Center: Contingent
Academic Employees Organizing
Negotiating a New Academy
3 Bread and Roses,
and a Labor-Based
of Quality: A New Faculty Majority Organizing
a New Academy
4 Negotiating Bread and Roses
and Labor-Based
into Part-Time-
and Combined Bargaining Unit Contracts 62
5 More than Would-Be
Apprentices: Graduate
Student and Postdoc
Employees Organizing
and Negotiating amid New Forms of
Contingency in an Aging, Changing Academy
Part II Faculty Negotiating Retrenchment and Technology
amid Management’s Austerity Agenda 119
6 Challenging Management’s Austerity Practices:
amid and Negotiating Furloughs 123
7 Negotiating Management’s Austerity Practices: Retrenchment
for Financial Exigency and Other Reasons in the Contracts 144
8 Protections and Possibilities in Negotiating a Progressive
amid New Circuits
of Production 168
9 Organizing
and Negotiating for Respect
and Public Purpose: Toward
a New Progressive Normal 191
Notes 219
References 243
Index 000