Jewish religion, Jewish ethnicity: the evolution of Jewish identities / Zvi Gitelman
Secularism, hellenism, and rabbis in antiquity / Yaron Eliav
What is a Judaism?: perspectives from Second Temple Jewish studies / Gabriele Boccaccini
Crypto-Jewish criticism of tradition and its echoes in Jewish communities / Miriam Bodian
Spinoza and the origins of Jewish secularism / Steven Nadler
Yiddish schools in America and the problem of secular Jewish identity / David Fishman
Beyond assimilation: introducing subjectivity to German-Jewish history / Scott Spector
Jewish self-identification and West European categories of belonging from the Enlightenment to World War II / Todd Endelman
People of the (secular) book: literary anthologies and the making of Jewish identity in postwar America / Julian Levinson
Secular-Jewish identity and the condition of secular Judaism in Israel / Charles Liebman and Yaacov Yadgar
Beyond the religious-secular dichotomy: masortim in Israel / Charles Liebman and Yaacov Yadgar
What kind of Jewish state do Israelis want?: the nature and determinants of Israeli attitudes toward secularism and some comparisons with Arab attitudes toward the relationship between religion and politics / Mark Tessler
The construction of 'secular' and 'religious' in modern Hebrew literature / Shachar Pinsker
Jewish identity and secularism in post-Soviet Russia and Ukraine / Zvi Gitelman
Judaism, community, and Jewish culture in American life: continuities and transformations / Calvin Goldscheider
Beyond apikorsut: a Judaism for secular Jews / Adam Chalom
The nature and viability of Jewish religious and secular identities / Zvi Gitelman