Resurgent voice : Indians, politics, and religion in Latin America / Edward L. Cleary and Timothy J. Steigenga
From civil society to collective action : the politics of religion in Ecuador / Alison Brysk
New voice in religion and politics in Bolivia and Peru / Edward L. Cleary
Breaking down religious barriers : indigenous people and Christian churches in Paraguay / Ren, Harder Horst
Entangled histories : the Catholic Church and the Maya, 1940 to the present / Bruce J. Calder
"God was already here when Columbus arrived" : inculturation theology and the Mayan Movement in Guatemala / Virginia Garrard-Burnett
"Knowing where we enter" : indigenous theology and the popular church in Oaxaca, Mexico / Kristin Norget
Maya Catholics in Chiapas, Mexico : practicing faith on their own terms / Christine Kovic
The indigenous theology movement in Latin America : encounters of memory resistance, and hope at the crossroads / Stephen P. Judd
Listening to resurgent voices / Timothy J. Steigenga