Search Results Showing results 1-1 of 1 Books Additional Site Content Filter Results OPEN + Sort by:RelevanceNewest to OldestOldest to NewestTitle - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to LowAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A Per page:5101520255075100 ‹1› Wired TVLaboring Over an Interactive FutureEdited by Denise MannContributions by Derek Johnson, Jonathan Gray, Will Brooker, Julie Levin Russo, Denise Mann, John T Caldwell, Robert V. Kozinets, M.J. Clarke, Vincent Brook, Katynka Z. Martínez and Henry Jenkins Loading... ISBN: 9780813564531Publisher: Rutgers University PressPub Date: 2014-02-11Format: Paperback296 Pages Sort by:RelevanceNewest to OldestOldest to NewestTitle - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to LowAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A Per page:5101520255075100 ‹1›