This fifth edition of Mechanical Vibration, a broad and deep exposition not only of vibration, but also of system uncertainties and control, has been expanded and re-written in many parts. The comprehensive coverage includes elementary as well as advanced and professional topics. There are numerous engineering case studies, new appendixes on damping models, and extensive MATLAB resources. The exposition of concepts is careful and precise and yet the presentation is casual, a combination that makes the book remarkably easy and enjoyable to read.
~Fai Ma, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Mechanical vibration permeates every aspect of engineering design including automotive, aerospace, electronics, machine tools, robotics and structural systems. This text provides a well-integrated, clear and concise discussion of the theory and practice of mechanical vibration as well as the related subjects of random vibration and vibration control. It presents a wide array of real-world examples and meaningful case studies, highlighted by interesting photographs that motivate the subject. There are many solved problems, detailed derivations, and insights that draw on the academic and industrial experiences of the authors. Some of the examples address very classical systems, and others target next generation systems that are currently at the leading edge of technology. The authors are to be congratulated for writing an engaging textbook that makes the challenging and important subject of vibration accessible to engineering students in various disciplines.
~Thomas R. Kurfess, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
For a broad range of engineers involved in structural analysis, this is, in my opinion, a definitely "must have" book. It is perfectly relevant to numerous applications of vibrational analysis in civil, mechanical, aerospace, and biomechanical engineering fields. Although it is written primarily as a textbook, an experienced reader will find it equally useful as a systematic reference of major modern concepts, solutions, and demonstrations cases. The authors have found an optimum balance between “mathematical” and “applied” sides, emphasizing, on one hand, the motivation and modeling of reality, and lessons learned from generated results and, on the other hand, providing rigorous mathematical implementations in a very clear and logical way. The book is extremely well written, and very easy to read, with numerous examples. It also includes an appendix with extensive MATLAB programs for quick implementation into engineering practice. I especially value the chapters on random vibration that demonstrate the importance of probabilistic solutions of structural reliability. It is also a pleasure indeed to read historical anecdotes and life sketches and understand the development of modern mechanics as a process.
~Mark Gurvich, Technical Fellow, Collins Aerospace
Whether tuning a suspension, maximizing tire grip, honing a cylinder bore or determining (just enough) engine isolation, the topic of vibration is critical to vehicle design. This book is impressive, not only in its scope, but also in its approach. The presentation of material is well thought-out, the examples and derivations are quite detailed and easy to follow, while the prose, pictures and bios provide unique context that make the subject matter surprisingly engaging. Aside from making this broad topic approachable to students, this book serves as a concise reference for professionals. The inclusion of an overview of basic (time domain) controls, as well as random vibration, adds additional value and perspective.
~Jim Sadauckas, Staff System Engineer, Vehicle Dynamics & Simulation, Harley-Davidson Motor Company
In the design of vehicles, vibration is a constant issue as it influences complete vehicle properties such as cabin comfort, driving performance, and vehicle dynamics and can lead to fatigue, damage, and failure. Control of vibration is a key factor in successful vehicle design, making this book on modern vibration highly relevant. The book connects theory with practice, includes many worked examples and case studies, and is a resource on vibration that imparts deep physical as well as mathematical understanding to the student or engineer. It is highly recommended.
~Julian Weber, Head of Innovation Projects E-Mobility, BMW
I have heard people say that good writing has a ‘voice.’ Mechanical Vibration by Benaroya, Nagurka, and Han has a voice that tells a rich story about vibration analysis in all its glory – from the beauty of its mathematics through its impact on our daily lives to the history of the people who brought it to life.
~Keith Buffinton, Dean of Engineering, emeritus, Bucknell University