"Primal Screams is and should be controversial. It is also quite brilliant. I can think of few books in recent memory that eschews academic and journalistic orthodoxy in as cutting and well defended away. Anyone interested in the roots of our current identity-driven dilemmas would be remiss in not reading it."—The Federalist
“Eberstadt is a shrewd, thoughtful analyst of our culture, and scrutinizes her subject through a nonpartisan lens….Primal Screams is, then, important for readers of all political and ideological complexions.”—Washington Examiner
“Mary Eberstadt manages the nearly impossible: finding something new—and worthwhile—to say about identity politics. . . . If we see more books about identity politics in the near future, and doubtless we will, they will have to grapple with Eberstadt's argument and take a look through the lens she provides.”—Washington Free Beacon
"Mary Eberstadt’s thesis is exactly right, and she backs it up with evidence."—Public Discourse
“Eberstadt’s work is not only for conservatives but also for everyone who thinks about contemporary society and finds himself puzzled, worried, or in a foreboding frame of mind about the alarming spike in identity politics as well as suicide, depression, substance abuse, and loneliness.”—National Review
“Vintage Eberstadt: clearly argued with conviction. . . . This is a good and helpful book, and the responses of Dreher and company are thought-provoking and constructive. . . . Eberstadt’s greatest strength is her consistent calm and compassionate tone. As such, she offers us a model for how political discussion should be pursued.”—The Gospel Coalition
"An incredibly influential, intellectual, precise commentary about current culture, philosophy, and the fate of the post-modern man."—Jonathan Van Maren, LifeSite News
"Insightful."—The Conway Daily Sun
"I wait for Mary Eberstadt’s books the way some people used to wait for the next Harry Potter installment." —Fr. John Hollowell, Pastor of Annunciation and St. Paul's Catholic Church
"Primal Screams provides a cogent, prophetic take on how and why it is that so many well-educated, materially well-off people—after all, this is mostly a Western political development — do not seem to know who they are."—Black Christian News Network One
"A cogent, prophetic take on how and why it is that so many well-educated, materially well-off people...do not seem to know who they are." —The Christian Post
"Mary Eberstadt is one of America’s foremost public intellectuals." —John Stonestreet, Breakpoint
"Primal Screams stands as essential reading for all pastors, educators, church leaders and workers, and, supremely, parents." —John J. Bombaro, The Mod
"Mrs. Eberstadt’s study is a welcome contribution to the current crisis in an increasingly secularized society. It is an attempt to pick away at a problem that is a vast tangle of personal motivations, subconscious drives and desires, societal currents, historical trends, socio-economic factors, and the irrational reactions of the mob. She’s done well to hone in on a crucial aspect to shed light on the problem."—Dwight Longenecker, The Imaginative Conservative
“Mary Eberstadt’s book is a thought-provoking, informed lead-in to a discussion that the world urgently needs to have.” —Margaret Hickey, Position Papers