I. An Introduction / 1
II. The Blossoming Time of Man / 6
III. The Vast Unseen / 13
IV. The New World of Time / 25
V. Humble About What? / 34
VI. Benefits from Humility / 44
VII. Creation Through Change / 55
VIII. Spiritual Progress / 64
IX. The Benefits of Competition / 80
X. Earth as a School / 90
XI. Creative Thinking / 101
XII. Love and Happiness: The True Test / 109
XIII. Laws of the Spirit / 118
XIV. A New Research Program / 129
References (Footnotes) / 140
Bibliography / 143
1. Humility Theology Information Center / 153
2. Excerpt from Riches fm the Mind and Spirit / 154
3. Board of Advisors of the John Templeton Foundation Humility Theology Information
Center / 156
4. Trustees and Members of the John Templeton Foundation / 163
5. John Templeton Foundation-Theology of Humility / 165
6. Recipients of The Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion / 170