The Political State of New Jersey, sponsored by the Eagleton Institute of Politics of Rutgers University, is a comprehensive analysis of contemporary New Jersey politics. The contributors to this volume are both academic specialists and experienced governmental figures. They have provided citizens of the state of New Jersey with an invaluable guide to political life in New Jersey. Gerald M. Pomper is Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University and the Eagleton Institute of Politics. He is a contributor to the two editions of Politics in New Jersey, author of Voters, Elections, and Parties, and coauthor of The Election of 1984.
A major theme of this book is the emergence of the state government as a significant factor in New Jersey political life. Only recently has the state, as opposed to local or private institutions, become a dominant influence. This trend is evident in the political culture and political parties, the legislature, the governor's office and the courts, the state's finances, and in the agencies for education, environmental protection, and economic development.
GERALD M. POMPER is professor of political science, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University. He is the author of Party Renewal in America: Theory and Practice and Voter's Choice: Varieties of American Electoral Behavior.
A well written and concise 20-year history of New Jersey politics....It is very good at describing the present state of affairs in Trenton and New Jersey.
~New Jersey Star-Ledger