Tuberculosis and the Politics of Exclusion is a thorough and thoroughly engrossing account of the social and political response to tuberculosis in the American West. This well-written, highly accessible yet scholarly and authoritative account is essential for any reader interested in disease, race, public health, and medicine in America. It is a superb addition to the literature.
~Amy L. Fairchild, author of Science at the Borders:Immigrant Medical Inspection and the Shaping o
An excellent portrait of the contradictions and exclusions inherent in early twentieth-century 'public' health.
~American Historical Review
The politics of human movement, citizenship and access to healthcare remains high on the agenda, making this kind of recent history a critical resource for policy makers.
~Social History of Medicine
Abel has written a fascinating account of TB in LA. The book is written an a clear, informative style, and will provide a historically rich resource for seminars in medical anthropology.
~Medical Anthropology Quarterly