Fraser Watts
Part 1: Why the Dialogue Matters
1. Why the Science and Religion Dialogue Matters
George F. R. Ellis
2. Does “Science and Religion” Matter?
John Polkinghorne
3. The Science and Religion Dialogue: Why It Matters
Holmes Rolston III
Part 2: The International Context
4. Science and Religion: Where Have We Come From and Where Are We Going?
John Polkinghorne
5. Science, Religion, and Culture
Fraser Watts
6. The State of the International Religion-Science Discussion Today
Philip Clayton
Part 3: Perspectives from World Faith Traditions
7. Judaism and Science: A Contemporary Appraisal
Carl Feit
8. Is the Science and Religion Discourse Relevant to Islam?
Munawar A. Anees
9. Science and Hinduism: Some Reflections
B. V. Subbarayappa
10. Science and Buddhism: At the Crossroads
Trinh Xuan Thuan
11. Asian Christianity: Toward a Trilogue of Humility: Sciences, Theologies, and Asian Religions
Heup Young Kim
Conclusion: Science, Religion, and the Future of Dialogue
Ronald Cole-Turner