Featured Titles
Ethnographic Thought in Early Modern Venice
Text and Context in Early Modern Italy
Revisiting Late Medieval France
Storytelling in Sixteenth-Century France
Negotiating Shifting Forms
Anti-Absolutist Pamphlets and their Readers in Late Seventeenth-Century France
From Tragical Histories to Gothic Tales
Women Warriors in Early Modern Spain
A Tribute to Barbara Mujica
The Enemy in Italian Renaissance Epic
Images of Hostility from Dante to Tasso
Advertising the Self in Renaissance France
Authorial Personae and Ideal Readers in Lemaire, Marot, and Rabelais
The Theatre Couple in Early Modern Italy
Self-Fashioning and Mutual Marketing
Empress Elisabeth and the Modern Female Portrait
Biography and Celebrity in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Celebrity Pregnancy and the London Stage, 1689-1800
Contemporary Representations of Postbellum Athletes and Artists
British Women Writers and Revolutionary Souvenirs
The Putain Memoirs of Prerevolutionary France
Justice, Reform, and the Labyrinth in Marguerite de Navarre
Eighteenth-Century Women’s Tributes to Women
Early Modern Feminist
- January 26, 2025
Join us to welcome author Maxine N. Lurie as she discussed her book, “Taking Sides in Revolutionary New Jersey.”
January 26, 2025 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
454 Lawrence Street Burligton, NJ 08016
Join us to welcome author Maxine N. Lurie as she discussed her book, “Taking Sides in Revolutionary New Jersey.”
2 PM on Sunday, January 26, 2025
Corson Poley Center
Burlington County Historical Society
454 Lawrence Street
Burligton, NJ 08016Tickets: $10 per person
Light refreshments and Q&A to follow.
More information and to RSVP:
609-386-4773The American Revolution in New Jersey lasted eight long years, during which many were caught in the middle of a vicious civil war. "Taking Sides" uses numerous brief biographies to illustrate the American Revolution’s complexity; it quotes from documents, pamphlets, diaries, letters, and poetry, a variety of sources to provide insight into the thoughts and reactions of those living through it all.