Recent Awards
Testimony: Found Poems from the Special Court of Sierra Leone, a Bucknell University Press book written by Shanee Stepakoff, won the 2022 Independent Book Publisher’s Association Benjamin Franklin Award, Poetry category.
The Printed Reader: Gender, Quixotism, and Textual Bodies in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Amelia Dale (Bucknell University Press) has been shortlisted for the 2021 BARS First Book Prize (British Association for Romantic Studies).
Mormons in Paris: Polygamy on the French Stage, 1874-1892 edited by Corry Cropper and Christopher M. Flood (Bucknell University Press) has won the 2021 Best International Book Award from the Mormon History Association.
The Novel Stage: Narrative Form from the Restoration to Jane Austen by Marcie Frank (Bucknell University Press) has been named a 2020 Choice Outstanding Academic Title.
Avenues of Translation: The City in Iberian and Latin American Writing edited by Regina Galasso and Evelyn Scaramella (Bucknell University Press) has won the 2020 SAMLA Studies Book Award – Edited Collection.
Reading Homer’s Odyssey by Kostas Myrsiades (Bucknell University Press) has been named a finalist in the 2020 PROSE Awards, Classics Section.