
Recent Awards

Testimony: Found Poems from the Special Court of Sierra Leonea Bucknell University Press book written by Shanee Stepakoff, won the 2022 Independent Book Publisher’s Association Benjamin Franklin Award, Poetry category.

The Printed Reader: Gender, Quixotism, and Textual Bodies in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Amelia Dale (Bucknell University Press) has been shortlisted for the 2021 BARS First Book Prize (British Association for Romantic Studies).

Mormons in Paris: Polygamy on the French Stage, 1874-1892 edited by Corry Cropper and Christopher M. Flood (Bucknell University Press) has won the 2021 Best International Book Award from the Mormon History Association.

The Novel Stage: Narrative Form from the Restoration to Jane Austen by Marcie Frank (Bucknell University Press) has been named a 2020 Choice Outstanding Academic Title.

Avenues of Translation: The City in Iberian and Latin American Writing edited by Regina Galasso and Evelyn Scaramella (Bucknell University Press) has won the 2020 SAMLA Studies Book Award – Edited Collection.

Reading Homer’s Odyssey by Kostas Myrsiades (Bucknell University Press) has been named a finalist in the 2020 PROSE Awards, Classics Section.