ROBIN ZAPE-TAH-HOL-AH MINTHORN is an associate professor of educational leadership, director of the EdD program, and Director of Indigenous education initiatives at the University of Washington, Tacoma. She is a citizen of the Kiowa tribe and descendent of Apache, Umatilla, Nez Perce and Assiniboine tribes. She is the coeditor of Indigenous Leadership in Higher Education and Reclaiming Indigenous Research in Higher Education (Rutgers University Press).
HEATHER J. SHOTTON is an associate professor and the department chair of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. She is also the director of Indigenous Education Initiatives. She is an enrolled citizen of the Wichita & Affiliated Tribes. Shotton is coeditor of
Beyond the Asterisk: Understanding Native Students in Higher Education,
Beyond College Access: Indigenizing Programs for Student Success, and
Reclaiming Indigenous Research in Higher Education (Rutgers University Press).
CHRISTINE A. NELSON is an assistant professor of higher education at the University of Denver in Colorado. She is of the Diné and Laguna Pueblo tribes of the southwest.