Abbreviations and short titles
1. Crosspollinations
1. Hearing God's voice in words
2. "He who knows himself knows his Lord"
3. God's act in history
2. Razi and Epicurus
1. Perception and sensation
2. Pleasure and pain
3. Desire, motivation, and free will
4. Razi's Ethics and the ethical transparency of hedonism
3. Bahya and Kant
1. The antinomy
2. Bahya's response
3. The philosphical impact of Bahya's approach
4. Maimonides and the Philosophers of Islam
1. Creation
2. Theophany
5. Friendship
1. Friendship as reciprocated virtue
2. Biblical, Rabbinic, Maimonidean and Qur'anic fellowship
3. Miskawayh on friendship
4. Friendship in al-Ghazali
6. Determinism and freedom in Spinoza, Maimoonides and Aristotle
1. Aristotle's determinism
2. Maimonides' determinism
3. Spinoza's determinism
4. Spinoza's defence of human freedom
5. Maimonides on character and freedom
6. Freedom and akrasia
7. Conclusion
7. Ibn Khaldun and Thucydides
1. A science of history and civilisation
2. Governance in history