List of Tables
Introduction: The Miracle, Case Studies, and Methods
1 Under the Eyes of God: One Day in the Life of an Old Order Amish Woman
2 From the Holy House and Community to the Secular Workplace and Back: One Day in the Life of an Ultra-Orthodox Woman
3 “Only Occasionally, When I Happen to Be around One”: Self-Justifications of Media Consumption as Boundary Management
4 “My Husband Just Told Me . . .”: The Women’s Relationships with News
5 “Satan’s Tool to Draw Our Focus away from God”: The Women’s Perceptions about Media Technologies and Content
6 “We’d Rather Talk about Babies”: Sharing Behaviors among Amish and Ultra-Orthodox Women
7 “I Made It as a Boundary for Myself”: Concluding Discussion on the Women’s Boundary Management
Appendix: The Specific Data and Statistics on the Amish and Ultra-Orthodox Women’s Media Consumption